Ana L. Tohmé returns to Glasgow for her final secondment

Oct 16, 2023

PhD student Ana Laura Tohmé (UNSAM, Argentina) has traveled to Glasgow (UK), after her 3-month secondment in Max Planck Institute (Stuttgart / Heidelberg, Germany), for her final secondment at Manuel Salmerón-Sánchez's labs at the Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment: CeMi.

Bio-Tune Early Stage Researcher Ana L. Tohmé (UNSAM, Argentina) has just arrived to Glasgow (UK) for her three-month seconment at the the Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment: CeMi (University of Glasgow), which constitutes the second part of her 6-month secondment under the supervision of Prof. Manuel Salmerón-Sánchez.

During her secondment, Ana will will continue with the work carried out a Max Planck Institute (Stuttgart / Heidelberg, Germany) during her 3-month secondment there. She will functionalize the nanopatterned microelectrodes with integrin ligands and BMP-2 allowing to control the distribution of these biochemical cues on the electrode surface. Therefore, the stay will allow Ana to optimize the fabrication of a biosensor to study the cell attachment and osteoblast differentiation using electrochemical impedance, expanding the information that can be obtained from the osteogenic process. The work will be complemented with electrochemical and immunofluorescence measurements of hMSC cell lines growing on the biosensor..

Ana, a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Diego Pallarola (UNSAM, Argentina), will stay in Glasgow from 12/09/23 to 13/12/23, both included. Her work is committed to WP2 of the project.