Bio-TUNE: "Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants"
Bio-TUNE is a MSCA-RISE Horizon2020 project, funded by the European Union (EU), that aims to develop innovative multifunctional materials to produce a new generation of medical implants with cell instructive and antibacterial potential.

The project is led by Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), with INSERM (France), Max Planck Institute for Medical Research (Germany), Università degli Studi di Camerino (Italy), University of Brisol (UK) and University of Glasgow (UK) as Beneficiaries and Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina), Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Peru), Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia) and Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia) as Partner Organizations.
During the last week of November, the BioTUNE team gathered in Buenos Aires (Argentina) for the Final Meeting of the project, together with a Symposium and a Workshop on Scientific Dissemination.
BioTUNE project comes to an end with a Final Meeting and Symposium in Buenos Aires -
Dr. Morgane Rabineau, research engineer at The Biomaterial and Bioingineering lab (Inserm, France) just began her 2-month secondment at Instituto de Nanosistemas, Universidad Nacional de San Martín...
Morgane Rabineau joins Instituto de Nanosistemas in Buenos Aires for two months -
ESRs Ana Laura Tohmé and Betania García (UNSAM, Argenina) presented their research within BioTUNE at Biosensor 2024 - 13er Congreso Iberoamericano de Sensores (13th Ibero-American Congress on...
BioTUNE's research at Ibersensor 2024, the 13th Ibero-American Congress on Sensors -
BioTUNE's secondee Julie BUISSON successfully defended her PhD Thesis on October 7h, 2024, at Université Strasbourg, in France.
Julie Buisson defends her Doctoral Thesis -
Aukrit Luangpattarawong, a PhD student at the The Biomaterials Engineering group (bioMEG - UoB, UK) just began his 3-month secondment at Instituto de Nanosistemas, Universidad Nacional de San Martín...
Aukrit Luangpattarawong arrives to Instituto de Nanosistemas for a 3-months secondment in the Advanced Biosensors Group -
Yusuf Ayten is a PhD student at the Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment (UGLA, UK) under Prof. Matt Dalby's supervision in a 3-months secondment at Dr. Diego Pallarola's laboratories in...
Instituto de Nanosistemas in Argentina welcomes Yusuf Ayten, from UK, for 3 months