BioTUNE project comes to an end with a Final Meeting and Symposium in Buenos Aires
Dec 04, 2024
During the last week of November, the BioTUNE team gathered in Buenos Aires (Argentina) for the Final Meeting of the project, together with a Symposium and a Workshop on Scientific Dissemination.
Instituto de Nanosistemas - UNSAM held the Final Meeting and Symposium of the BioTUNE project in Buenos Aires (Argentina) from the 25th to the 29th of November, 2024.
The Symposium, which took place on the 25th and 26th of November, was open to attending members of the project (PIs, ERs and ESRs) and to researchers and students from UNSAM, with talks offered by partners and national invited speakers: Dr. Élida Hermida, Universidad Nacional San Martín (UNSAM, Arg), Dr. Beatriz Araoz, Universidad Nacional San Martín (UNSAM, Arg), Dr. Ika Dewi Ana (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia), Dr. Siti Hawa Ngalim (University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), Dr. Paula Mesina (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Arg), Dr. Paolo Catalano (Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, Arg), Dr. Ilia Platzman (Max Planck for Medical Research Institute, Germany), Dr. Nihal Engin Vrana (Spartha Medical and INSERM, France), Dr. Diego Pallarola (Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Arg), Dr. Magdalena Pezzoni (Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Arg), and Dr. Pohl Milón (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Perú).
During the second day of the Symposium, two session posters were organized, with the participacion of all secondees present in the Final Meeting, a grand total of 14 posters presented and 4 awards given for the best works, which were those carried by PhD students Ani Tohmé (UNSAM), Nerea García de Albéniz (UPC), Betania García (UNSAM) and Patricia López (UPC).
On Nov. 27th, four secondees of the BioTUNE with broad experience in science communication offered a Workshop. After their talks, Virginia Zubieta (Insituto de Nanosistemas - UNSAM, Argentina), Patricia López (Universitat Politècnica de Cataluna, Spain), Alejandra Ross Beraldi (Fundación Instituto Leloir, Argentina) and Noelia Aparicio (Universitat Politècnica de Cataluna, Spain) acted as mentors for the students and postdocs attending, who were invited to prepare a talk with the habilities and tips previously acquired.
On the following two days, the members of the project had the opportunity to visit UNSAM's laboratories and campus, as well as discovering Buenos Aires and Tigre with their local colleagues, as well as holding meetings to settle future collaborations and determine final publications of the project.