Victoria Levario-Díaz arrives to Argentina for her secondment

Mar 20, 2023

PostDoctoral Fellow Victoria Levario-Díaz (Max Planck Institute, Germany) has arrived to Argentina for her 3-month secondment at Instituto de Nanosistemas with Dr. Diego Pallarola (UNSAM).

Experienced Researcher (ER) Victoria Levario-Díaz (Max Planck Institute, Germany), a PostDoctoral Fellow at Dr. Ada Cavalcanti-Adam's laboratories, has arrived to Argentina for a 3-month secondment at Instituto de Nanosistemas (INS, UNSAM), under the supervision of Dr. Diego Pallarola.

During this time, Victoria will be fabricate microfluidic devices aligned and coupled to indium tin oxide (ITO) microelectrodes to characterize epithelial cell adhesion and migration. The main objective of the secondment is to optimize the cell culture conditions inside the devices as well as to test different electrode
designs to find which one provides the best sensitivity to cell adhesion processes. It is expected that the work carried out during the secondment will help to provide new devices to study in real time cell adhesion processes with molecular specificity in response to the sensitive biointerface..

Victoria Levario-Díaz will stay at Dr, Pallarola's laboratories from March 2nd to May 2nd, 2023, both included.