Xiayi Liu is in Argentina for a 3-month secondment

Aug 01, 2023

PhD student Xiayi Liu (University of Bristol, UK) arrived to Buenos Aires 15 days ago for her 3-month secondment at Instituto de Nanosistemas, under the supervision Dr. Diego Pallarola (UNSAM, Argentina).

Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Xiayi Liu (University of Bristol, UK), is a PhD student at the Biomaterials Engineering Group (bioMEG),  under the supervision of Prof. Bo Su. She has recently arrived to Argentina for a 3-month secondment at Instituto de Nanosistemas (INS, UNSAM), under the supervision of Dr. Diego Pallarola.

Xiayi is going to work on revealing bacterial response to nanostructured Ti–6Al–4V surfaces by electrochemical technique. She will be trained on electrochemical impedance and cyclic voltammetry measurement. The work carried out during the secondment will help to provide a better understanding in bacterial interaction on nanostructured surfaces that can be applied to the design of antimicrobial surfaces for medical applications in the future.

Xiayi will stay at Dr. Pallarola's laboratories from the 15th of July to the 8th of October, 2023.