Betania García, 3rd place in the Nanomaterials category of the LatinXChem Twitter Poster Conference

Nov 09, 2023

PhD student Betania García has won 3rd place in the Nanomaterials category of the LatinXChem Twitter Poster Conference 2023 with her work on the "Fabrication of titania nanopatterns with potential bactericidal activity".

PhD student Betania García (Grupo de biosensores avanzados, Instituto de Nanosistemas - UNSAM, Argentina) has won 3rd place in the Nanomaterials category of the LatinXChem Twitter Poster Conference by presenting a thread consisting of 6 posts with GIFs illustrating the work she has been developing within the framework of the Bio-TUNE project, titled Fabrication of titania nanopatterns with potential bactericidal activity. This work was carried out in collaboration with her PhD Director, Dr. Diego Pallarola (UNSAM), and Prof. Bo Su, her supervisor during her secondment in the University of Bristol (UK). 

Betania tells us that she "explained the primary purpose of these nanostructures, which is their application in implants, aiming to create a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect through mechanical processes hindering bacterial proliferation" in the first part of the thread. On the second part, she "detailed the experimental procedure step by step to obtain the fingerprint pattern using the PS-b-P2VP block copolymer as a template for titanium anodic oxide growth. Additionally, I shared some promising preliminary results with bacteria. Finally, I highlighted the possibility of manufacturing ITO electrodes with a gold nanopattern, enhancing their sensitivity for electrochemical sensing, thanks to gold's affinity with the P2VP group".

For further details, you can find more information on X Betania's account (@BetaSGM), where she used the hashtags #LatinXChem23, #LatinXChemNanoMat, and #NanoMat013, or following this link to her amazing thread.

LatinXChem began as a virtual forum or conference on Twitter (now X) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Its purpose was to facilitate global discussion and sharing of research findings and advancements among Latin American chemists. In 2023, its fourth edition, the event received more than 1.200 posters from 43 different countries. What makes this event remarkable is its growing participation, facilitated by the absence of travel constraints and the event's free registration policy.

Over the course of two days, participants have the opportunity to present their work. These presentations are accompanied by specific hashtags for identification and can take various formats, such as traditional posters, videos, threads, or other media compatible with the virtual platform. Each of the ten categories is evaluated by expert researchers who act as judges, meticulously assessing each submission and asking questions when deemed necessary. Beyond the chance to share their own research and discoveries, participants can explore the work of their peers and engage in mutual learning. Finally, the best posters have the chance to receive awards or honorable mentions, adding a competitive and exciting element to the LatinXChem experience.