Bio-TUNE, presented at EURAXESS ASEAN Meet my Lab

Jul 01, 2021

Members of Bio-TUNE presented the project at the virtual meeting "Meet my Lab", held on June 23th, 2021 and organized by EURAXESS ASEAN. Researchers Prof. Ika Dewi Ana, Dr. Siti Hawa Ngalim and Dr. Cristina Canal, together with Project & Communications Manager Ms. Noelia Aparicio, shared their experiences working in a RISE funded project,and the benefits of collaborating with scientific partners across the world.

Several members of Bio-TUNE participated on Wednesday in a virtual meeting called "Meet My Lab", organized by the initiative of the European Union EURAXESS ASEAN.

During the meeting, Prof. Ika Dewi Ana (UGM), Dr. Siti Hawa Ngalim (USM) and Dr. Cristina Canal (UPC), together with Project & Communications Manager of the project, Ms. Noelia Aparicio, shared their experiences working in a RISE funded project,and the benefits of collaborating with scientific partners across the world.

More specifically, Aparicio made an introduction to the project, , in which participate researchers from 10 universities around the world and presented the RISE call to all attendants, with her conference 'Bio-TUNE, an Introduction'.

She was followed by Dr. Ngalim and her talk on 'Navigating life as a cell with the 'limbs. Investigating cellular crosstalk of integrin-BMPR signalling pathways in bone regeneration'.

Afterwards, Dr. Canal introduced the BBT research group with her conference on 'Multifunctional biomaterials to engineer and repair bone tissue'.

Dr. Dewi-Ana talked about ''Carbonate Apatite for Implant Bio-tuning and Tissue Engineering: From Bench to Bed'.

To finish the virtual meeting, Dr. Ngalim presented some 'Examples of collaboration and networking activities between Europe and Southeast Asia within Bio-TUNE' project.

Watch the talk here ⬇️