Carles Mas-Moruno, 1.5-months secondment in Buenos Aires

Jul 11, 2024

Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno (UPC) arrived to Buenos Aires to join Dr. Diego Pallarola’s team (UNSAM, Argentina) for a 1.5-month secondment

After 4.5 years coordinating the project, it was finally the turn for Dr. Mas-Moruno (BBT-UPC, Spain) to travel. For 1.5 months, he will be hosted by Dr. Pallarola at the Instituto de Nanosistemas (UNSAM, Argentina).

During his stay, he will focus on the coordination of the project in general, and of WP4 in particular, working on deliverables D4.3 and D4.4. In addition, he will also focus on writing joint publications and draft funding applications derived from the UNSAM-UPC collaboration.

Last but not least, he will get to know the Instituto de Nanosistemas and Dr. Pallarola’s team, which has been one of the most active partner organizations within the consortium. He thus expects to meet with secondees of the project and old colleagues, and make new contacts and collaborations.

Carles will be in Buenos Aires from June 27 to August 11th, both included.