David Piñera defends his Doctoral Thesis

Jul 08, 2024

BioTUNE's ESR David Piñera has successfully defended his PhD Thesis "Development of antibacterial, antiresorptive and osteogenic gallium and silver doped titanium implants", directed by Prof. José-María Manero and Dr. Judith Buxadera, and is officially a Doctor in Biomedical Engineering by Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC, Spain).

David Pipera (BBT-UPC, Spain) successfully defended hiser PhD Thesis  "Development of antibacterial, antiresorptive and osteogenic gallium and silver doped titanium implants" and officially became a Doctor in Biomedical Engineering, on July 5th, 2024.

The thesis, directed by Prof. José-María Manero and Dr. Judit Buxadera, was deffended before an international jury at EEBE, in Barcelona (Spain).

Dr. Piñera was an ESR of the BioTUNE project and carried on a 3-month secondment at INS-UNSAM (Argentina), under the supervision of Dr. Diego Pallarola.