Dr. Anna Maria Giuliodori is back in UNICAM, after a 1-month secondment at UPC Perú

Feb 28, 2023

Experienced Researcher Dr. Anna Maria Giuliodori (UNICAM, Italy) has just returned from a 1-month secondment at UPC Perú, at Dr. Milón's laboratories.

Dr. Anna Maria Giuliodori has been involved on a secondment at UPC (Lima, Perú) from 23/01/2023 till 26/02/2023 as an Experienced Researcher (ER).
The tasks carried out by Anna Maria in Professor Milon's laboratory at UPC Perú mainly involved the finalization of a fluorescence-based system developed at UNICAM (Italy) for the rapid identification of molecules and aptamers, synthesized in the host laboratory, capable of inhibiting the protein synthesis apparatus.
Specific skills were transferred to PhD student and BioTUNE's secondee Ana Elena Sanchez Castro, Ana Lucia Quinoz, and Luciana Amado Bustamante at Professor Milon's lab, to ensure the test's ease of use, reproducibility and strength.
In addition to this, Dr. Giuliodori gave a seminar entitled "Development of a fluorescent-based method for the detection in solution of proteins synthesized in cell-free expression systems" and finally, participated in drafting a manuscript entitled "Streptomycin promotes premature and erroneous 70S initiation complexes" with Professor Pohl Milon and Ana Elena Sanchez Castro.