Dr. Diego Pallarola welcomes ESR David Piñera for a 3-month secondment

Feb 23, 2024

PhD student David Piñera (BBT-UPC, Spain) is in Argentina for her 3-month secondment at Instituto de Nanosistemas with Dr. Diego Pallarola (UNSAM) as his supervisor.

Early Stage Researcher (ESR) David Piñera (BBT-UPC, Spain) is in Argentina for a 3-month secondment at Instituto de Nanosistemas (INS, UNSAM), under the supervision of Dr. Diego Pallarola.

During this time, David will be working on studying the impact of gallium (Ga) in bone resorption with the objective of highlighting the suitability of Ga to target diseases such as osteoporosis or bone metastasis. By using electrochemical techniques, they will be evaluating the ability of gallium to reduce osteoclastogenesis by analysing the electrochemical impedance of macrophages during the differentiation.

David Piñera, a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Jose-María Manero and Dr. Judit Buxadera (BBT-UPC), will stay at Dr, Pallarola's laboratories from February 8th to May 8th, 2024, both included.