Eloïse Lebaudy joins Dr. Siti H. Ngalim Lab for a 2-month secondment

Jan 11, 2023

PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Philippe Lavalle, Eloïse Lebaudy (INSERM, France), just arrived to Malaysia for a 2-month secondment at Dr. Siti H. Ngalim Lab at USM.

French PhD student Eloïse Lebaudy (supervised by Philippe Lavalle from INSERM, France) has arrived to Malaysia for a 2-month secondment at the University Sans Malaysia (USM), under the supervision of Dr. Siti Hawa Ngalim.

During her secondment, Eloïse will develope hydrogels with surface micropatterns. Surface micropatterning has been highly studied to control cell behaviors such as cell proliferation, adhesion and differentiation. The objective here is to study biophysical and biochemical properties of fibroblast and macrophage cells depending on the micropattern of the surface. More precisely, she will focus on the adhesion and on the inflammation of cells. Finally, the micropatterned hydrogels will be tested at Inserm on bacteria to see the impact of the pattern on bacteria contact-killing.

The secondment will take place for two months, from January 9th March 10th, 2023.