Gumilang Almas Pratama, 3-month secondment in Strasbourg

May 10, 2024

Gumilang Almas Pratama (UGM, Indonesia), a PostDoc Fellow at Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia), is at Dr. Philippe and Dr. Engin Vrana's laboratories (INSERM, France) for a three-month secondment in Strasbourg, where he will also be working at Spartha Medical, a spin off company of the Unité UMR1121 research group.

Bio-Tune Established Researcher Gumilang Almas Pratama (UGM, Indonesia) is in the first month of his 3-months secondment at the Unité UMR1121 (INSERM Strasbourg) Bimatériaux et Bioingénierie (France), under the supervision of Dr. Philippe and Dr. Engin Vrana.

During his secondment at INSERM, he is engaged in the process of medical research translation into viable market applications. While it is important to build the science on the lab and see how things works, it is also interesting to be involved in the journey of identifying the needs and navigating the European medical market and regulatory landscape, thanks to the connexio to spin-off company Spartha Medical.

Gumilang Almas Pratama will stay at INSERM Strasbourg from April 21st to July 20th, 2024, both included.