Julieta Werner arrives to Barcelona for the second part of her secondment at UPC

Jun 19, 2023

PhD student Julieta Werner (UNSAM, Argentina) has joined Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno (BBT-UPC, Spain) for 6 months to complete her 1-year split-secondment in his laboratories

Bio-Tune Early Stage Researcher Julieta Werner (UNSAM, Argentina), a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Diego Pallarola, arrived some days ago to Barcelona for her six-month secondment at the Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering Research Group (BBT-UPC, Spain), under the supervision of Dr. Carles-Mas Moruno.

Immune cells play a significant role in the osseointegration process. Hence, it is essential to control the properties of the immune microenvironment to enhance osseointegration between bone tissue and implants. During her previous secondment (from February 2nd to August 3rd, 2022), Julieta synthesized peptides with osteoimmunomodulatory and antibacterial properties, and now she will study the effects that these molecules have on the behavior of immune system cells and the differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells.

Her current secondment takes place from June 15th to December 11th, 2023, both included.