Bio-TUNE's Kick-Off Meeting

Feb 21, 2020

The Bio-TUNE inaugural Symposium and Kick-Off Meeting took place on the 17-18th February, 2020, at the Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE), Barcelona (Spain).

The Bio-TUNE inaugural Symposium and Kick-Off Meeting took place on the 17-18th February, 2020, at the Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE), Barcelona (Spain).

The Inaugural Symposium was held on the morning of the 17th February, with 4 prominent speakers in the field of biomaterials and implants: Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra, Director of the Materials Science and Engineering Department (CEM) and of the Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering (BBT) research group (UPC);  Prof. Conrado Aparicio, Deputy Director of the Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics (MDRCBB) and Director of the Bioinspired Biomaterials and Interfaces (2Bi) research group at UMN; Dr. Román A. Pérez, Director of the Bioengineering Institute of Technology (BIT) and of the Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration (BTR) research group (UIC) and Prof. José Carlos Rodríguez Cabello, Full Professor at UVa and Director of BioForge research group. The symposium was open not only to members of the Bio-TUNE project, but to all the community at EEBE.

Following the Symposium, the kick-off meeting of the RISE funded project was held, with the attendance of almost all Beneficiaries and Partners of the project. Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno (IP) and Noelia Aparicio (PM), organizers of the kick off, were joined by Dr. Ada Cavalcanti Adam (Growth Factor Mechanobiology research group, MPG); Prof. Bo Su (Biomaterials Engineering (bioMEG) research group, UoB);  Dr. Roberto Spurio and Dr. Anna Maria Giuliodori (UNICAM); Dr. Manuel Salmerón-Sánchez (Head of the Biomedical Engineering Division, UGLA), who attended the meeting via Skype, due to restrictions for travelling because of the Corona Virus crisis; Dr. Phillippe Lavalle (Deputy Director of the Unité UMR1121 Bimatériaux et Bioingénierie and Director of Research of the Implants Nouvelle Générations pour ORL et chirurgie pédiatrique branch), Dr. Julien Barthes and Dr. Nihal E. Vrana (INSERM); Dr. Siti H. B. Ngalim (AMDI-USM); Dr. Diego Pallarola (Director of the Advanced Biosensors Research Group at the Instituto de Nanosistemas, UNSAM) and Dr. Pohl Milón (Head of the Laboratory for Applied Biophysics and Biochemistry at UPC Perú).