Noelia Aparicio, 1.5-month management secondment in Argentina

Mar 22, 2024

Project and Communications Manager Noelia Aparicio (BBT-UPC, Spain) is at Instituto de Nanosistemas (UNSAM, Argentina) for a 1 and a half-month secondment in collaboratin with PI Diego Pallarola and INS-UNSAM PR Responsible -and BioTUNE's secondee- Virginia Zubieta.

Noelia Aparicio (BBT-UPC, Spain), Bio-Tune's Project and Communications Manager, is in the middle of her 1.5-month secondment at Instituto de Nanosistemas (INS-UNSAM, Argentina), in collaboration with PI Dr. Diego Pallarola and Communications expert Virginia Zubieta.

The objective of the secondment is to transfer knowledge on  good reporting & communicating practices as well as dissemination in accordance to  EU guidelines, project tracking in terms of verification of deliverables and milestones and progress of UNSAM's research activities and secondments, exchange of experiences and training in scientific project coordination and in the organization and development of scientific communication and dissemination relevant, offer training in Soft Skills for ESRs and organization of the final Project Meeting, which will take place in Buenos Aires by the end of the year.
Noelia's secondment dates go from March 21st to May, 1st, 2024.