PhD student Ana Sánchez-Castro joins Dr. Roberto Spurio in Camerino

Oct 05, 2022

PhD student Ana Sánchez-Castro (UPC, Perú) joins Dr. Roberto Spurio (Università di Camerino, Italy) for a 3-month secondment in his laboratories.

Bio-Tune Early Stage Researcher Ana Sánchez-Castro (supervised by Dr. Pohl Milón, UPC, Perú) has arrived to Italy for a 3-month at Dr. Roberto Spurio's laboratories at Università di Camerino (Italy).

In line with the research activities of WP3 of the, she will work on the supernatants obtained from the CCM of UNICAM displaying marked activity against the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. In particular, she will try to optimize the purification procedure of bioactive molecules, and will acquire know-how instrumental for her training as postgraduate.
In addition, she will transfer the knowledge of the SELEX technology to the UNICAM laboratory, as she previously gained experience on the selection of aptamers targeting specific component of the translational apparatus.

Ana will be involved as an ESR at UNICAM during the period 22nd Septembe, 2022 to 20th December, 2022.