PhD student Betania García joins Prof. Bo Su in UK

Mar 18, 2022

PhD student Betania García (UNSAM, Argentina) has just traveled to the University of Bristol (UK) for a six-month secondment at Prof. Bo Su's laboratories.

Bio-Tune Early Stage Researcher Betania García (UNSAM, Argentina) has just arrived to the UK for her six-month seconment at the University of Bristol.

The group led by Prof. Bo Su has shown that it is possible to utilize nanostructures on the surface of implants to avoid bacterial colonization while promoting osteogenesis. During her secondment at UoB, Betania García will fabricate microelectrode sensors with different nanotopographies. These sensors will be used to investigate cell and bacterial adhesion dynamics, and contribute to elucidate the mechanisms underlying physical contact-based bactericidal activity.

Betania, a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Diego Pallarola (UNSAM, Argentina), will stay at Prof. Su's laboratories from March 16th to September 15th, 2022, both included.