RISE 2019 – Coordinators' Day

Feb 03, 2020

Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno (IP), Dr. Eduardo García-Urdiales (Administrative Management) and Noelia Aparicio (Project Manager and Communication) attended de RISE 2019 – Coordinators' Day.

Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno (IP), Dr. Eduardo García-Urdiales (Administrative Management) and Noelia Aparicio (Project Manager and Communication) attended de RISE 2019 – Coordinators' Day, held on the 16-17th January 2020 on Brussels  (Belgium).

During the 2-day meeting, the UPC's team had the opportunity to learn more about important issues, such as Eligible researchers and records keeping, reporting, mandatory meetings, payments and ammendments, ethics, dissemination of results or communication. The team also had the opportunity to meet the UE Officer for the Bio-TUNE project, and to interact if other RISE's grantees. The exchange of ideas and experience was of great value.