Roberto Spurio and his 2-month secondment in Perú

Mar 30, 2022

Dr. Roberto Spurio (UNICAM Italy) has just returned to his hometowh, Camerino, from a 2-month secondment in Dr. Pohl Milon's laboratories (UPC, Perú) from January 13th to March 17th, 2022.

Roberto Spurio (UNICAM, Italy) just arrived from Perù from a two-month secondment (January-March/2022) in the laboratory of Dr. Pohl Milón, UPC.

During this secondment, he had the possibility to acquire the basic background required for applying the SELEX procedure to protein targets, a technology that will be transferred to the laboratory of UNICAM for future applications along the Bio-TUNE project.

The aim was to produce, via the SELEX procedure, short DNA fragments known as Aptamers, which can selectively recognize and bind protein targets responsible for essential activities of bacterial pathogens. They expect to obtain the sequences and the structural features of these Aptamers in the next 2-3 months and to test their properties on dedicated surfaces, in collaboration with members of the Consortium involved in near coming secondments.