Virginia Zubieta from UNSAM joins UPC for a 2-month secondment

Apr 10, 2023

Virginia Zubieta, Institutional Communications Specialist at UNSAM (Argentina), has arrived to Barcelona (Spain) for a 2-month secondment in the Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering Research Group (BBT-UPC, Spain), under the supervision of Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno and Communications Manager of the project, Noelia Aparicio.

In order to enhance Bio-TUNE's project communication strategy, Virginia Zubieta, Institutional Communications Specialist at Instituto de Nanosistemas (INS-UNSAM, Argentina), is working, together with Project Manager Noelia Aparicio and Principal Researcher Carles Mas Moruno at the Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering Research Group (BBT-UPC, Spain) in Barcelona, during her 2-months secondment (WP8).

During her stay, she will support the coordination of communication activities to the general public, including the Bio-TUNE newsletter, its social networks, and website, among others. She will also design and create some marketing and communication materials for Bio-TUNE's Summer School in Indonesia (July, 2023), and participate in the exchange of experiences in the organization and development of scientific-related outreach activities relevant for the project.

To maximize the impact of the dissemination and communication of the project, she will work with Communications manager of the Project (UPC) in the development of a set of scientific infographics.

Finally, on May 18th, she will give a talk about scientific poster design for PhD students and scientific staff interested in acquiring new visual skills at EEBE (UPC).

Virginia's secondment takes place from April 1st to May 31st, 2023.