
Organized: Research group in Biochemistry and Applied Biophysics, Universidad Ciencias Aplicadas (Perú).

Date: 24th June 2024

Talk on: "Class 1 Integrons enhancing AMR spread in Biofilms: Findings from environmental surveillance".


Organized: BBT Research Group (UPC, Spain).

Date: 12th June 2024

Talk on: "Electrochemical Sensors for Cell Adhesion Studies"

Published: REEL Instagram UNSAM Internacional  (Argentina)

UNSAM-UPC connection through project BioTUNE.

Date: April 2024

Click here to watch the full video.



Organized: Instituto Nanosistemas (UNSAM, Argentina)
Published: emailing INS-UNSAM, Instagram and Twitter INS-UNSAM, Instagram and Linkedin secondee Noelia Aparicio.

Date: 25th April 2024

Talk on: "El proyecto BioTUNE, un reto de gestión e implementación a nivel global"
Organized: Instituto Nanosistemas (UNSAM, Argentina)
Published: emailing INS-UNSAM, personal Twitter and Linkedin secondee Noelia Aparicio.

Date: 16th April 2024

Talk on: "Tips & Reccomendation to write your CV"

Published: lv16.com (Argentina).

Date: 25th October 2023

Click here read the article.


Published: LinkedIn account Dr. Siti Hawa Ngalim.

Date: 25th October 2023

Click here read the post.


Published: Página 12 (Argentina).

Date: 6th October 2023

Click here read the article.


Published: LinkedIn account Dr. Siti Hawa Ngalim.

Date: 14th September 2023

Click here read the post.


Published: AMDI Newsletter.

Date: 13th September, 2023

Click here to read the article.


Organized: Research group in Biochemistry and Applied Biophysics, Universidad Ciencias Aplicadas (Perú).

Date: 17th July 2023

Talk on: "Attachment of bacterial pathogens to plastic substrates. What we can learn from water pollution".


Published: Different Instagram Accounts members of Bio-TUNE.

Date: 10-14th July 2023

Click here to know more about our Summer School.


Published: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi (UGM) Instagram Accounts.

Date: 10-14th July 2023

Click here to go tho their profile (where you can read all the posts).


Media campaign Spain.

Date: May-June-July 2023


El Diario


BioTech Spain

Crónica Balear

Cugat Mèdia

NCYT Amazings

Lo Campus Diari

The Smart City Journal


Cadena SER


Ràdio Sant Cugat (Podcast)


Published: Stories @EEBE_UPC and @anglescience (Influencer and Science Communicator) Instagrams

Perú-Spain // Spain-Perú exchanges. Experiences of BioTUNE's secondees.

Date: May 2023

Click here to watch the full video.



Banner: Main website UPC

Date: from 31st May 2023 to 14th June 2023



Published: Twitter UPC.

Date: 30th May 2023

Click here to read the full thread and watch the videos.


Press Release: UPC.

Date: 30th May 2023

Click here to read the full press release.


Published: Different Instagram Accounts members of Bio-TUNE.

Date: 18th May 2023

Click here to read Newsletter Issue #3.


Organized: BBT Research Group, Department Materials Science & Engineering (CEM-UPC).

Date: 18th May 2023

Click here to know more about the talk.


Published: Twitter Dr. Pohl Milón (UPC Perú).

Date: 1st April 2023

Click here to read more about the field trip.


Organized: Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia).

Date: 30th March 2023

Click here for more info.


Organized: Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia).

Date: 29th October 2022

Click here for more info.



Date: 5th October 2022

Click here for more info.


Organized: Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia).

Date: 22nd - 28th September 2022

Click here for more info.


Published: Instagram FKG UGM

Date: 7th September 2022

Click here to read more about the Meeting.

Published: Stories at Instagram Fakultas Kerokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Date: 5th September 2022 // 7th September 2022

Click here to know more about the Faculty of Dentistry at UGM.

Published: Instagram Advanced Biosensors Research Group (UNSAM)

Date: August 19th, 2022

Click here to read the post.

Organized: Doctoral Study Program of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia).

Date: 25th August 2022

Click here for a full list of lecturers.


Published: Instagram Advanced Biosensors Research Group (UNSAM)

Date: July 29th, 2022

Click here to read the post.

Published: Instagram Advanced Biosensors Research Group (UNSAM)

Date: July 9th, 2021

Click here to read the post.

Published: Pregrado UPC Perú  Channel

Date: 16-18th March 2022

Click here to read more about the Seminars.

Published: EURAXESS ASEAN Facebook Channel

Date: 23rd June 2021

Click here to watch the video.

Published: Twitter EuraxessASEAN

Date: 23rd June, 2021

Click here to read the Twitter.

Published: EEBE website (UPC) & EEBE Newsletter

Date: 21st June 2021

Click here to read the article.

Published: Instagram Advanced Biosensors Research Group (UNSAM)

Date: May 5th, 2021

Click here to read the post.

Published: Campus Diagonal-Besòs Research Newsletter (UPC), Issue 3

Date: March, 2021

Click here to read the Newsletter.

Published: Twitter Instituto de Nanosistemas (UNSAM)

Date: 11th June 2020

Click here to read the Twitter thread.

Published: Twitter Dr. Diego Pallarola

Date: 7th April 2020

Click here to watch the video

Published: BBT-UPC website

Date: 16th March 2020

Click here to read the article.

Media Campaign Italy

Date: August 2019


Macerata Notizie. Click here to read the article.
Cronache Macheratesi. Click here to read the article.
24 Ore New. Click here to read the article.
YouTVR. Click here to read the article.

Published: UNSAM website

Date: 8th August 2019

Click here to read the article.

Published: UNICAM Youtube Channel

Date: 2nd August 2019

Click here to watch the video.

Published: UNSAM website

Date: 31st July 2019

Author: Virginia Zubieta

Photo: Alejandro Zamponi

Click here to read the article.