11th World Biomaterials Congress


Dec 11, 2020 to Dec 16, 2020 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Glasgow, UK

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Welcome to WBC 2020 Glasgow

The Executive Committee is delighted to invite you to Glasgow to participate and share in the 11th World Biomaterials Congress WBC 2020 19-24 May 2020. You will experience the exciting city of Glasgow, steeped with culture and history and the SEC conference venue on the banks of the River Clyde. The Congress promises a diverse and interesting programme, an international forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge research related to the interactions of biological systems with engineered, synthetic and natural materials. It is an occasion to meet, listen, discuss, share knowledge and bring together inspired biomaterials people.

We particularly welcome our early career researchers and will facilitate interactions with prominent senior investigators in the field as well as scientists from leading biomedical companies. We hope the Congress will provide a forum to exchange scientific ideas, inspire new research, and new contacts for closer collaboration, so that we can, together, define the future for our young (and not so young) researchers who are today’s reality and tomorrow’s future.

We encourage you to stay connected during the lead up to WBC 2020, keep us proactive and help us to shape the future of Biomaterials. Join the mailing list to get the latest news.


Ceud mìle fàilte

The Executive Committee
Lucy Di Silvio
Nicholas Dunne
Liz Tanner