Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE)


Sep 22, 2020 08:00 AM to Sep 25, 2020 08:00 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Darmstadt, Germany

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Welcome Address

The flagship event of the German Materials Society (DGM) – the Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE) – will be held from 22 to 25 September 2020 at the Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt, Germany. With more than 1,500 participants, the biannual MSE is one of the largest English speaking congresses in the field of Material Science and Engineering across Europe. Over the past decade, MSE has become an international platform for materials science and engineering experts to present their research to a large international community and to network across borders.

Widely acclaimed for its topical contents and international outlook, MSE 2020 will look over the 100 successful years of DGM as guarantor for the systematic development of the fields of materials science and materials engineering. The past editions of MSE congresses have successfully integrated the expertise and interest of the participants to develop a world-class technical program. MSE 2020 will live up to this tradition through its carefully chosen symposia and plenary speakers and expand the scope of materials technologies from scientific aspects to include the questions of societal, and economic impacts.

In order to address the global challenges for sustainable development and resource-efficient materials technologies, MSE 2020 will continue its tradition of involving an international partner in the meeting programming and has invited South Korea as the International Partner Country in 2020.

The technical program of MSE 2020 will include the participation of globally renowned experts, who will deliver plenary, keynote and thematic talks together with oral presentations over the entire duration of the congress. In addition, posters sessions will be organized to give the younger participants a chance to present their research and interact with their professional peers. Other highlights of programming dedicated to young investigators include a Power-Point-Karaoke and an international workshop on UN Goals on Sustainable Development.

On behalf of the Topic Coordinators, I am looking forward to welcomce you at the MSE2020 in Darmstadt!

Sanjay Mathur
University of Cologne, Germany