Site news
The Bio-TUNE project (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Marie Sklodowska Curie Action) has now its own Twitter account.
Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno (IP), Dr. Eduardo García-Urdiales (Administrative Management) and Noelia Aparicio (Project Manager and Communication) attended de RISE 2019 – Coordinators' Day.
The Bio-TUNE inaugural Symposium and Kick-Off Meeting took place on the 17-18th February, 2020, at the Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE), Barcelona (Spain).
Dr. Diego Pallarola (Instituto Nanosistemas, UNSAM, Argentina) has created a Twitter video drawing the graphical abstract of the project.
Dr. Diego Pallarola and Dr. Nicolás Saffioti (Instituto de Nanosistemas, UNSAM, Argentina) have just finished their secondments with Dr. Ada Cavalcanti-Adam (Max Planck Institute, Germany).
Bio-Tune researchers Prof. B. Su (UoB), Prof. M.P. Ginebra (UPC) and Dr. C. Mas-Moruno (UPC) organized the symposium “Cell-instructive materials and surfaces” within the 2020 Materials Science and Engineering Conference.
Bio-TUNE reserchers Dr. Ada Cavalcanti and PhD student Lluis Oliver present their latest work at the 13th IBEC Symposium – Bioengineering for Future and Precision Medicine.
The BioTUNE project held the Special Workshop "Fine Tune of Cellular Behavior: From Fundamental Research to the Clinics" during the World Biomaterials Congress (WBC2020).
Researchers Ll. Oliver-Cervelló, A. Cavalcanti-Adam and C. Mas-Moruno have just publish a paper in Advanced Healthcare Materials, thanks to their BioTune collaboration.
The Catalan Territorial Section (ST-Cat) of the Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) awarded Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno, Ramón y Cajal Fellow at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and member of the BBT, the Marcial Moreno-Mañas Award 2020 for young researchers.