
Site news

Sep 25, 2023

BioTUNE's ESR Eloïse Labaudy has successfully defended her PhD Thesis on "Hydrogels à base de poly(éthylène glycol) et de peptides aux propriétés anti-infectieuses et pro-régénératives", directed by Dr. Philippe Lavalle, and is officially a Doctor by the Doctoral School in Physics and Physical Chemistry (University of Strasbourg).

Oct 16, 2023

PhD student Ana Laura Tohmé (UNSAM, Argentina) has traveled to Glasgow (UK), after her 3-month secondment in Max Planck Institute (Stuttgart / Heidelberg, Germany), for her final secondment at Manuel Salmerón-Sánchez's labs at the Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment: CeMi.

Jan 08, 2024

Melissa Mancini is a Research Manager at University of Camerino (Italy) on a 1-month secondent at Universidad Nacional de San Martín (INS-UNSAM, Argentina), under the supervision of Dr. Diego Pallarola.