Site news
Dr. Roberto Spurio (UNICAM Italy) has just returned to his hometowh, Camerino, from a 2-month secondment in Dr. Pohl Milon's laboratories (UPC, Perú) from January 13th to March 17th, 2022.
The General Assembly 2022 of the Bio-TUNE project took place yestarday, April 6th, 2022. Representatives of all beneficiaries and partners institutions attended online, since the Assembly was held by videoconference.
PhD student Ana Laura Tohmé (UNSAM, Argentina) joins Dr. Manuel Salmerón Sánchez (Institute of Molecular Cell & Systems Biology, UK) for a 3-month secondment in his laboratories in Glasgow.
Mona Sari (UGM, Indonesia), a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Ika Dewi Ana, has just traveled to Dr. Carles Mas-Moruno laboratories (BBT-UPC, Spain) for a five-month secondment in Barcelona.
The Mid-Term Meeting of the Bio-TUNE project was a hybrid event which took place on the 7-8th July, 2022, at the Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE), Barcelona (Spain), with the attendance of PIs, secondees, managerial staff and the Project Officer of the Project.
PhD students Katherine Peñaranda and Roberto Alcántara (UPC, Perú) join Dr. Roberto Spurio (UNICAM, Italy) for a 4-month secondment (each) in his laboratories.
During the months of July and August, several researchers of the Bio-TUNE have attended international conferences and disseminated results of the project to fellow peers.
Noelia Aparicio (UPC, Spain), Project and Communications Manager of the Bio-TUNE project, has arrived to Yogyakarta (Indonesia) for a 1-month secondment in the Faculty of Dentistry at UGM, under the supervision of Dr. Ika Dewi Ana.
PhD student Ana Sánchez-Castro (UPC, Perú) joins Dr. Roberto Spurio (Università di Camerino, Italy) for a 3-month secondment in his laboratories.
BBT PhD student Lluis Oliver-Cervelló successfully defended his PhD Thesis on "Novel multifunctional biomimetic peptides for bone tissue engineering" in Barcelona (Spain), on Nov. 3rd, 2022.